Department of Commerce,Management and B.Voc conducted an Extension lecture on the topic " Effective soft skills for effective career" (12-09-2022)
Prof. Ekta Chauhan ( An eminent faculty member from IBS ) was the resource person for the extension lecture. She emphasized on the importance of effective communication and soft skills for making successful career. Further she apprised the students about the SWOT analysis so that students can find our their strengths and weaknesses and work on it.
Mr. Madho singh, Banch Manager, IBS also graced the occasion along with Ms. Tamana and Mr. Baldeep from the marketing team. 
The lecture concluded with the appreciation of the students who won in the "Best Message Contest on the occasion of Teachers day" held on 5th Sept, 2022 in collaboration with IBS. Winners of the contest were Km. Kashish from bcom 3rd year, Km. Isha from bcom 1st year and km. Jashanpreet from bcom 2nd year. 
Dr. Ravi Kant, Principal congratulated the winners and appreciated the efforts of the department.